What activities/art-form did you pick up as a kid that shaped you into the artist you are today ? In what way do YOU think it shaped you ?

“As a child I was attracted by all mediums of art like theater, music, street art, photography but naturally gravitated towards drawing. It was my first introduction into the world of art. The pencil on a blank page came natural to me, as if it was an extension of my hand. I loved drawing portraits and cartoon characters. With no formal training I was able to create from what I saw and how I viewed the world, both in reality and imagination. Unfortunately, once I entered the world of sports I stopped drawing, but the pencil would be replaced with other artistic loves, like music, photography and film. These, I wouldn’t be immersed in until I left home and found my own way navigating the world.”

Were you picked on as a child ? If so how ? How do you think that affected your life today as an artist ?

“Yes, I was bullied heavily as a child. I was a quiet, sensitive kid, who stayed to himself, and cried at about almost everything. My biggest bully was my father. He nurtured me with a “stop crying, I’m not raising a punk” attitude and did what he felt he needed to do to ensure that I wasn’t. I’ll let you imagine the possibilities. As a young man I carried a lot of anger and hatred around because of it. I once thought it was a super power, or like some energy to tap into when I needed it. It became my armor or protective cloak. Nah, that shit is lame and got me nowhere. These days I’m the complete opposite. I’m at the center of my being and my consciousness vibrates from a sense of calm. That is my true super power and it’s what I  hope to channel in my art. I appreciate my childhood and the way my father raised me, I don’t look at it from the “victim” aspect anymore, more so the observer of the human condition. I just happened to be on the other end of it. No, It doesn’t make it right, but I understand.”

What daily activity makes you feel most connected to your hands within your Art-form ?

“I work in the world of cameras and film, and even though it’s an art form there’s a disconnect that I’ve been experiencing for years. Recently, I got back into drawing and I try and draw everyday. My drawings are mainly rough sketches and doodles but my daily practice is to align myself with that natural extension I had as a kid. Hand to pencil, pencil to paper, paper to possibilities.”

What do you appreciate most about how YOUR art makes you feel ?

“I think I’m in a space of transition as an artist. I don’t really have a niche, per se, I just try my hand at a lot of different mediums and the feeling I get from that is freeing. I find it freeing and meditative to just go out, explore, and try new things, whether that be with a camera, a paint brush, a musical instrument, or a pencil. All are loved and respected equally, and all provide different avenues to the same destination. So to answer your question, I appreciate the journey of free creative expression.”

What pushes you to be a better artist today ?

“One of my mentors has this saying, “nobody can outwork you, at being you.” And that is the truth. Let’s be real, Nobody can outwork Twan, at being Twan, which is to say, there is no competition when the goal is being my best self. Who can take that away from you? I think the self work I do every day to evolve and be purposeful, not only betters who I am as a person, apart of the human collective, but also as an artist who must create in the world. Both are one and the same.”


What GROUNDS you ?

“Meditate, meditate, meditate! I meditate everyday.”

Favorite quote ? Why ?

“One of my close friends says this all the time, and I enjoy it so much I keep it on a sticky note to read everyday. I don’t know if these are his words, or the words of someone else. The quote: ‘You’re not far from where you want to be.’”

Have you ever experienced a miracle ? Could you describe it ?

“Without disclosing too much information, 2024 was one of the toughest years of my life on a personal level. I was sinking in a sea of darkness, blindly navigating life. I made some dumb decisions, suffered losses, heartbreak, and inflicted pain onto others. The lower I sank, the more I suffered, the more I unraveled. The term miracle refers to some type of divine phenomenon or spiritual revelation that intervenes with the human condition. I can’t really describe what happened to me, but at some point in my unraveling, I reached the bottom of that sea and landed on my feet. I  saw a light, and it radiated divine energy. I’ve been walking towards it ever since. That’s my miracle.”

What is your favorite thing about yourself?

“You know, most people would describe me as quiet, or calm natured but I’m really a bundle of energy. Still very much introverted but when my energy spills out it’s intense and felt in high quantity and I love that about myself.”

If you were to speak to your younger artist, what would, you tell them?

“To my young artist, to my younger self, I love you. I know you come from a world where love is not said or expressed but you are loved and you’re that guy. You are light, you are energy, you are everything. I look forward to the steps you take, the decisions you make, good or bad, and the fun you’re going to have. A Sage is waiting to meet you.”

